4 Tips To Effectively Promote Your Bar Or Restaurant

As any business knows, advertising is directly related to drawing in customers. While we’re here to help you make sure you don’t run afoul of any BASSET standards, we know you want to focus on successfully marketing your business. Here are a few tips to promote effectively, without running into problem issues.
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Mission
Embrace your location. If you’re located in a hole-in-the-wall setting, own it in a theme-driven, independent way that matches the neighborhood. Even if you’re in a hip part of downtown, don’t try too hard to be trendy. Go for your own unique stamp.
To effectively promote, you have to know and understand the theme and mission of your establishment because attracting the right clientele is your ultimate aim. The crowd you’re bringing in should feel comfortable and ready to keep the good times rolling while safely drinking at your establishment. Attract the right customers for the environment you are seeking.
Creativity Gets More For Your Ad Dollar
If you’re on a tight budget, no worries. Even something as basic as chalkboard and chalk is eye-catching and super-affordable.
You can customize it to the mood you want to set in your establishment. Customers will certainly form a first impression when walking in, so make sure the image you’re projecting is aligned with the reputation you want. Create any image you’d like with this classic method for drawing attention to specials and catching eyes as soon as they enter.
Make Sure Specials Are Still Strategic
Regular discounts help create a local reputation and a loyal clientele. But, make sure you don’t devalue your brand for the sake of offering cheap options. Don’t let the desire to offer discounts undermine the quality of your establishment. How to do this?
- Make the discount centered around an event
- Utilize social media to get the word out on your specials
- Get customers to try new items by offering discounts on those
- Give big groups a better deal on certain things
Play It Safe With Your Ads
No matter what, don’t let your ads end up costing you far more than they can ever earn you. Make sure everything stays above board. Things to avoid in ads:
- Deceptive statements
- Bad-mouthing the competition (especially by name)
- Any obscenity
- Misleading labeling
Know All the Rules of Selling and Serving With BASSET On The Fly
Staying compliant with BASSET regulations can be stressful for managers and business owners. You’ve got other things to worry about, like running your business. You handle the marketing, let us keep you and your employees up-to-date on BASSET certification. We are ready to help whenever you need us! Enroll today to start the certification process!
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